Southern Goth in a Northern Town-February 2022: FIVE Years of Southern Goth!

It’s February. That means my annual retrospective post and uh…wow. I’ve been doing this monthly post for five years? FIVE? Seriously?

When I started it, I never thought I’d still be doing a monthly post like this five years later. Though to be fair, in the last year or two, the emphasis has become less “wow, this thing is not like it is in the South” to just “wow, there is this thing”. As for all things Goth, last year I invented Lady Hauntington and her posts are hands-down the most fun to write right now. I think that’s because the world is a trash fire, and has been for far too long, and she is a fresh voice that allows me to still find humor in something, even if it is rather black humor. I lean toward that, anyway.

I like the funny posts best. This blog was always meant to be very tongue-in-cheek. Sometimes I can’t achieve it, but I do always, always try.

I had some vague thoughts about wrapping this blog up this year, but then came Lady Hauntington and I rediscovered my enthusiasm. I don’t plan to totally dedicate this blog to her; I mean, even after five years up here, I do still occasionally stumble upon something that just amazes my little Southern heart, and I just have to write about it. In fact, I have a topic in mind for the March blog along those lines!

So – five years. If you’re here and reading this, I thank you. Stick around. There is still more to see and experience and write about. Plus, you do not want to annoy Lady Hauntington!