Southern Goth in a Northern Town-November 2022: Happy Wolfenoot (Very, Very Late); Happy Thanksgiving (American) For Those That Celebrate (Very Late); and Happy Gotcha Day Toby (Late)!

So…yeah. This didn’t get published when it should have because (1) end of year burnout is a thing that I am experiencing right now, and (2) I was actually off work for the Thanksgiving holiday (American) and the posting slipped right out of my head.

That said, we have three holidays right in a row in our house during the traditional (American) Thanksgiving week. First is Wolfenoot, on November 23rd. This is a holiday made up by a 7-year-old kid in Australia New Zealand (I just checked the official Wolfenoot site) that his mother posted as a one-off and it caught the imagination of millions. It’s basically a day to love and celebrate your pets (and all other animals as well, as people who can’t have pets for various reasons will celebrate by contributing to various animal charities, shelters, and such). Here is a link to the original post.

Usually a day or so after Wolfenoot is American Thanksgiving, which means cooking, and eating, and in our case this year, watching Wednesday* on Netflix. Some years we have family in, sometimes we don’t. This year it was just us, so we kept it low key. We rarely do a traditional spread as Der Mann isn’t a huge fan of turkey and an entire bird for two people, one dog, and three cats is a lot. This year he made vegetarian chili (at my request), I made cheesy bread, and for dessert we had homemade pound cake with lemon glaze.

And then, usually right after Thanksgiving, it’s Toby’s Gotcha Day. This was his second. He’s lived with us for two years, and even when he’s rotten (and he can be quite trying on occasion), he’s still the best dog ever. We are lucky to be his people.

So, it’s been a busy week, even though I did manage to squeeze in a bit of relaxing and reading books and as I said, watching Wednesday** on Nexflix.

Oh, we also got the tree out of the garage and cleared the space to set it up. I didn’t get to put up a Halloween tree this year for many reasons, but I will have the Xmas tree up, this week if possible.

And there you have it – a busy week, even without work thrown in the mix. Happy holidays to everyone that celebrates whatever you celebrate and snoot boops to all your wolfies (canine, feline, scaled, feathered, or whatever they may be).

*If you haven’t watched this yet, it is fantastic. Go watch it. Now

** I mean it. Really. Go watch it. It’s not your wholly traditional take on the Addams Family – though most of the accepted tropes are in there, if slightly skewed – but it is well worth the time.