Southern Goth in a Northern Town-February 2023: Six Years of Southern Goth – Wait, Really?

Has it really been six years? I’ve been writing this blog this long? Seriously, I can’t believe it, but here we are.

I think I say this every time I hit the anniversary post, but I honestly didn’t think I’d keep this thing up for one year, much less be still going with it six years later. I’m kind of stunned. That this was the anniversary escaped me, actually; I’d had another topic in mind (I suppose I’ll do that for next month) and when I opened this document and realized it was the anniversary, I was in shock. 

I mean, I don’t really have much more to say about it; I thought this year might actually see the end of Southern Goth for various reasons, but then suddenly Lady Hauntington was there and I rediscovered my momentum…and have managed a post every month this year.

I’m considering some other types of posts and semi-regular topics for this blog, and I’d quite like to do another serial, maybe a Southern Goth-themed one. We will see. As I said, Lady Hauntington has revitalized my blogging momentum, so I’m curious to see what my brain will churn out next.

So here’s to six years of Southern Goth, and onward to Year Seven!