Southern Goth in a Northern Town-February 2019: Two Full Years of Southern Goth!

So here we are, two years in. How did it go? What changed this year? What stayed the same? Do I keep going with this or do something different? Or…do I change the blog name to Southern Goth in a Northern Town and start a new type of monthly column/feature/thingy?

Honestly, I’m torn. Not much changed – for the most part, I managed to keep up a regular blogging schedule. I figure two years of that probably makes it a pretty fixed habit. But I don’t know anymore about the whole “things I find odd in the North” gambit anymore. We’ve been here over three years now, and I might have worn out the joke.

Or maybe I’ve just gotten used to the oddities. I mean, yes, occasionally something will strike me as just out there, but it doesn’t happen as much anymore. I suppose one does get used to anything, given time.

So while the joke is no longer so apropos, I have to say that I do still enjoy the monthly column/feature aspect. Honestly, I’m really leaning toward the name change and a new monthly feature. Maybe I’ll do a new themed feature every year or something. I also know that there will still be the occasional Southern Goth post in the original vein, because something will come up that just boggles my little Southern mind.

That said – what would I do for a monthly feature? Errrr…. 

Confused Emoji_Feb2019 blog
This is my ‘my brain is mush’ face.


I have my side projects that I also run as a regular feature on this blog. Last year, I did a comic that published every other Monday for the entirety of 2018. This year, I’m doing a serial that publishes on the second Tuesday of each month (a day arbitrarily chosen by Herself). So it’s not like I would stop posting things on the blog if I discontinued the Southern Goth thing.

Or maybe…hmmm…an idea is percolating….

Idea Emoji
Eureka! An idea!

Maybe I should still do Southern Goth, but focus a bit more tightly. Say, for 2019, I might write about Working While Goth. I can think of several potential topics there, and that might even run Southern Goth for another year…and I’ll rewrite this same post next February, right?

Or maybe I can write about Aging While Goth (Gracefully or Not?) because that is a thing that is happening, and honestly? Not always as gracefully as I’d like. Or how about Married While Goth? Der Mann definitely has Gothic tendencies, but really prefers a Steampunk aesthetic. Not going to lie, our tastes occasionally clash, but we work it out.

There are also going to be some changes coming at us this year, I think. Last year, we had the job switch for Der Mann, and the acquisition of Princess Zoezie (who is firmly established in our household now; I’m planning a follow-up post on her Gotcha Day). This year, we will – if everything works out right – be moving*. So yeah…Moving While Goth, then Decorating New House While Goth, then Terrifying New Neighbors Because Goth….

That’s a bit more of Southern Goth, probably. At least one year, maybe several, depending.

Perhaps I’ve answered my question.

Addendum: Since I do seem to have answered my question about continuing this blog, I decided that it was high time I made a header for the Southern Goth posts. In case you missed it, it debuted with this blog post.

*I do hope I don’t ever feel compelled to write a Terrible Neighbor post. We’ve been lucky with the neighbors in our apartment so far and I hope we’re able to keep that streak going when we move.

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