Southern Goth in a Northern Town-June 2021: Something I Actually Want To Do

Yeah, I never did a MerMay digital art piece. I kept thinking about it and not doing it.

I am finding that happening rather often.

It’s not a good trend.

I’ve thought that perhaps I should stop trying to do the things I used to/usually do to fill my time and let my creativity loose. Maybe I should stop trying to go backwards to the old definitions and old habits. Maybe I need to try something new.

When cleaning up some boxes of books, I found a blank sketchbook (one of many many many that we’ve found) and thought, “why not?”

 So I dug up a lead holder and an eraser and put them with the sketchbook and started carrying all of it around the house. So far, I’ve yet to make a mark in the sketchbook.





When I was a child, I loved to draw. I was rarely without crayons, a pencil, a coloring book, and some kind of paper. I loved doing it. It made me happy. But I wasn’t good at it, so I gave it up because when you’re told so often that you’re not ever going to be good at something, why keep trying? 

So I stopped.

But I thought I’d try again because I’m old enough now to not care how bad I am at a thing and also old enough not to care what anyone says, and to do the thing as long as it brings me joy.

So why can’t I open the damn sketchbook?

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